Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


Human Rights Watch has issued a report on the working conditions of luxury goods factories in Bangladesh. The report said that leather factories which supply materials to luxury fashion accessory brands have poor working conditions and dump dangerous chemicals directly into rivers. The chemicals named were sulfuric acid, chromium and lead. The report also pointed out that children often work in the leather tanneries, using such dangerous chemicals to treat the animal skins. Bangladesh exported more than $600m of leather goods in 2011 to China, Germany, Italy, Japan and other rich countries.

Passengers on American Airlines flights have experienced delays on 40% of the airline's flights in September 2012. The airline has experienced several slowdowns as airline staff re-negotiate their employment contracts.


This week's Natural Phrase

What were you thinking?

SampleMegan: Have you gained weight?

Ross: Yes, I went jogging for a week to get into shape, but then yesterday I ate three pizzas with ham and bacon.

Megan: You ate that much fat in one day while you were trying to get into shape? What were you thinking?

Explanation: 'What were you thinking' is a way of saying that a person did something strange or careless.

This week's Medical Phrase

conservative treatment

SamplePatient: Do you think I need surgery for my pancreas?

Doctor: I don't think that's necessary yet. Your pancreas condition might respond to more conservative treatment.

Explanation: Conservative treatment is a first effort to solve the problem without major surgery.

This week's Email phrase

in the pipeline

SampleDear Paula:

Since we last talked, there have been a lot of changes in the office. We have some new products in the pipeline and they should be ready by next summer.


‘In the pipeline’ means that something new is being worked on, but it will take some time for it to be completely ready. Think of it as water moving through a pipe.