Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire…


India plans to boost its talents in science with the annual Indian Science Congress in Kerala, and an increase in science spending to 2% of GDP from the previous 0.8%. In comparison, China spends 1.5% of its GDP on science R&D.

This week's Natural Phrase

Swipe your card


SampleAhmed: I want to buy this computer system and the software package. Can I pay for the items by credit card?

Michelle: Sure. Just swipe your card through the machine at the check-out counter and we'll give you a receipt.

Explanation: To swipe a card means to pass it through or over a machine, so that the machine can read the data. The phrase is used for credit cards, ID cards, and other such items.

This week's Medical Phrase


SamplePatient: Is the surgery going to mean that I'll have a big scar?

Doctor: The operation is invasive, but it only involves making a small incision, so don't worry - the scar will be very small.

Explanation: an invasive procedure means that the medical treatment involves making a cut in the skin or inserting something into the body. It means some type of surgery rather than just taking medicine.

This week’s Email phrase

the amount exceeds our budget.

SampleDear Juan:

We received your price estimate for remodeling the office. But I'm afraid that the amount exceeds our budget. Is it possible for your company to lower the price?

Explanation: Saying that an amount exceeds the budget is a soft and polite way of saying that the price is too high.