Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


Added fees, surcharges, and other hidden charges charged by hotels rose by almost 2 billion dollars in the U.S. over 10 years. One common extra charge is for WiFi services in hotel rooms. Minibars are another source of extra charges. Travellers should carefully check what is included and what is not included in the hotel fees. Another solution is to pay in advance through a travel agent and to refuse any attempts by the hotel to add hidden charges. You have the right to refuse fees for things that you didn't ask for.


This week's Natural Phrase

Air it out

SampleAllison: I had a big argument with one of my coworkers last week, and now the office is really quiet. We're barely talking.

Justin: You can't just let that situation go on forever. Whatever the problem is, you should meet up and air it out.

Explanation: To air something out is to discuss an issue freely and to find a solution.

This week's Medical Phrase


SampleDoctor Otani: We need to call security to the Emergency Room.

Doctor Song: What happened?

Doctor Otani: We have a drunk patient who is combative and threatening the staff. We can't get close enough to give him tranquilizers.

Explanation: A combative patient is someone who is fighting back when doctors try to treat him. Drugs or alcohol often are a factor in such behavior.

This week's Email phrase

parachute in

SampleDear Juan:
We are having some real trouble with the new factory in Vietnam. I think you'll have to parachute in to handle the situation.

Explanation: To "parachute in" means to make a sudden visit, like dropping from the sky in a parachute.