Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved only test flights of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which has had problems with battery systems produced by Japan's GS Yuasa. Normal commercial flights of the 787 have been banned since January 16th, 2013. A Japan Airlines 787 experienced a battery malfunction in Boston last month, prompting a flying ban.


This week's Natural Phrase

We're good to go

SampleChad: Are we ready for the music lesson?

Mitch: Yes, I've set up the chairs, tuned the piano and the guitars, and we have plenty of snacks and drinks. We're good to go.

Explanation: The phrase "we're good to go" means that we are ready to start the activity.

This week's Medical Phrase

pool our information

SampleDoctor Miles: We have a difficult case, and we are hoping that you can help.

Doctor Thomas: I'll do my best. Let's sit down and pool our information.

Explanation: When medical professionals pool their information, they combine the knowledge and facts that they have, in order to help the patient.

This week's Email phrase

put it to bed

SampleDear Jennifer:

We have to finish the health report on our new product. The ministry has been waiting for it for more than a year. It's time we put it to bed.

Explanation: To put something to bed means to finish it. It is similar to telling a child to go to bed. In business, to put something to bed means to close it so that we can go on to the next project.