
Travel News wire… The Travel News wire… Korean Airlines now allows travelers to use one ticket for Korean Airlines and Jet Blue flights. Passengers traveling on multiple flights with the two airlines do not need to obtain a second ticket for their transit flights. Korean Airlines flies non-stop from Seoul to New York JFK, Washington Dulles, and Los Angeles LAX airports.


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Hiroko's Memory Tips:

Look over the phrases for 5 minutes.
Say them to yourself without looking at the screen.
At lunchtime, say them to yourself again. Can you remember all three phrases?

Achilles' Heel

Steven: Isn't it going to be difficult to organize the party by this Saturday?

Anne: We can order pizzas and I'll make a special dessert. It will be fine. Take my word for it.

Explanation: When are person says take my word for it, it means they want you to believe them. It also means they have experience in the subject being talked about, but they don't want to give a long explanation.

Prescription drug abuse

Patient: My son came in the house and suddenly started vomiting, then he fainted. What's wrong with him?

Doctor: We'll do an X-ray and we'll also check to see if he ingested something dangerous.

Explanation: To ingest something means to take it into the body by eating or drinking.

This week's E-mail Phrase

nonprofit organization

Dear Ms. Jackson:

We would like to ask for your donation. As you know, we are a nonprofit organization, and as an NPO we depend on people like you.

Explanation: NPO stands for nonprofit organization. A nonprofit organization is not allowed to return money to investors, but it can accept money from donations and other sources. It can also pay employees and buy new buildings, etc.

Frontrunner Communications cannot assume any liability, monetary or otherwise, for any mistakes, omissions, changes or delays in the travel information provided. Check with a licenced ticketing agent or transportation provider before taking any action.

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