Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire…


Extra fees charged to airline passengers are increasing, with many European carriers raising the so-called "fuel surcharge" in June, even though the price of oil has dropped from 105$ to around 85$ per barrel. Fuel surcharges, airport transit fees and taxes can add 50,000yen or more to the price of an Asia-to-Europe intercontinental flight.

This week's Natural Phrase

standing room only


SampleDominic: Did you get the tickets for the Black Eyed Peas concert?

Hideki: Yes, the first show was sold out, but we got tickets for the second show. It was standing room only.

Dominic: SRO? You're lucky that you got in.

Explanation: standing room only means that all of the seats are occupied and some people have to stand. We sometimes use the initials SRO.

This week's Medical Phrase

under sedation

SamplePatient: Did my daughter make it through surgery safely?

Doctor: Yes, she's fine and recovering.

Patient: Can I speak with her?

Doctor: No, she's still under sedation. She will be fully alert tomorrow.

Explanation:  under sedation means that the patient has been given strong drugs so that they sleep without any pain or stress.

This week's Email phrase

If you need to get in touch with me...

SampleDear Jamie:

I know that you are completing the marketing budget this week. I want to see the final version but I'll be in Seattle from Friday morning. If you need to get in touch with me, just send a message to my iPhone.

Explanation:  If you need to get in touch with me is a good phrase for letting another person know how they can contact you when you are away from the office.