Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


Luxury brand sales in airports have risen by more than 25% between 2008 and 2011. Some luxury brand companies are expanding from duty free shops in international airports to domestic airports in growing economies such as China and Brazil.

This week's Natural Phrase


SampleEdward: How was the dinner last Friday?

Karen: Well, it started out as just a quiet and cozy meal, but then Allan came with his guitar and his musician friends, and it turned into a full-fledged party.

Explanation: full-fledged means that something or someone has become strong and complete, like a young bird that is ready to fly.

This week's Medical Phrase

stop it from spreading

SamplePatient: My toes have this terrible rash.

Doctor Kwan: This skin condition can spread easily. We'll put this ointment on it to stop it from spreading.

Explanation: stop it from spreading is a common phrase used for treating skin rashes and other ailments that are easily transmitted.

This week's Email phrase


SampleDear Kimberly:

Thanks for inviting me to join you at the concert with our new clients. Of course I'll join you. It's a no-brainer!

Explanation: a no-brainer is a decision that is very easy to make