
Travel News Wire…Italy's high-speed Frecciarossa (Red Arrow) train links Rome and Milan in 3.5 hours… The worldwide aircraft crash rate was one accident per 1,400,000 flights. The continent with the highest crash rate was Africa, with a rate of 9.94 accidents per million flights. Air traffic in Africa accounts for only 2% of global air traffic…

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Hiroko's Memory Tips:

Look over the phrases for 5 minutes.
Say them to yourself without looking at the screen.
At lunchtime, say them to yourself again. Can you remember all three phrases?

Achilles' Heel

I'd like to attend the conference this weekend, but I have a scheduling conflict. I have to be in Dubai until Monday.

This phrase is more smooth than saying simply "I can't come to the conference" It means that the person speaking has two appointments at the same time and cannot go to both.
We often say "Dr. Owens cannot attend the conference due to a scheduling conflict."

Prescription drug abuse

During the summer months we see an increase in cases of economy class syndrome

With the increase in long-range flights, especially to and from Japan, airplane passengers who do not exercise enough might suffer from deep vein thrombosis. As it is difficult for the general public to understand the meaning of deep vein thrombosis, the news media has given it the nickname economy class syndrome.

This week's E-mail Phrase

I'm pleased to inform you…

After reviewing your qualifications, I'm pleased to inform you that you've been accepted for work at our clinic.

If you have bad news to share with the other person, you may have to write "After considering your proposal, I'm sorry to say that we are unable to sign a contract for this year."

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