Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


All major EU airports plan to have new scanning equipment that will eliminate the liquid carrying limit of 100ml. The 100ml limit has caused severe irritation for passengers boarding flights, as many airports have prohibited even liquid medicines, baby milk, breast milk, or contact lens cleaning fluid in quantities over 100ml. The liquid limit is expected to be eliminated in April of 2013, when passengers will be able to carry larger amounts of liquid on their flights as long as airport staff are allowed to use electronic scanners to check the contents of the liquid containers.


This week's Natural Phrase


SampleBrian: Did Joseph find a new job?

Emily: Yes, but it doesn't pay very well. He's been living hand-to-mouth since last year.

Explanation: The phrase "hand-to-mouth" means that someone spends their money as soon as they get it. They have only enough to survive. They don't hold on to their money or save any of it.

This week's Medical Phrase

home remedy

SamplePatient: I have a very sore throat. I've been drinking honey, which helps a bit, but it hasn't completely stopped the pain.

Doctor Nakada: Honey is a good home remedy, but we need to find the origin of the pain. We'll run some tests.

Explanation: A "home remedy" is a natural cure using foods, herbs, and other natural cures without going to a proper medical facility.

This week's Email phrase

watered down

SampleDear Maria:
I've sent your promotion campaign plan to the director, the finance manager, and the marketing manager. They made changes, and they also reduced the budget. I'm afraid that your plan has been watered down to almost nothing.

Explanation: The phrase "watered down" means to limit and reduce a plan, or to weaken it.