Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire…


Paris plans to have an electric vehicle sharing plan, with the cars made by Italian designer Pininfarina and France's electric car developer Bollore. The scheme will include 4,000 vehicles which can be rented for a reasonable fee.

This week's Natural Phrase

self starter

SampleDouglas: Do you think that Abigail can manage things at the Singapore office?

Janice: Yes, I know her well. She's a self starter. She will have things under control quickly.

Explanation: A self starter is someone who can start a project on their own and keep going without any help or instructions from other people.

This week's Medical Phrase

triggered by….

SamplePatient: I get these headaches very often, and always in the daytime.

Doctor: What are you doing when the headaches start?

Patient: Sometimes I'm playing golf, or just walking to the car. Doctor: We'll check to see if your pain is triggered by bright sunlight or some kind of allergy.

Explanation: The starting source of pain can be called the trigger of the pain.

This week's Email phrase

Under intense pressure

SampleDear Craig:

Our client is angry and they called us five times today. We are under intense pressure, and we need your help quickly. Can you visit the client by this afternoon and fix the problem?

Explanation: When someone is under intense pressure it means that they have a very difficult problem and they don't have much time to find a solution.