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Low-cost airline Air Arabia plans to increase its fleet from 29 aircraft to 44 by the year 2016. The airline serves cities in the Middle East and North Africa through its three regional hubs of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates); Casablanca (Morocco); and Alexandria (Egypt). Many of the aircraft in its fleet are in the popular Airbus A320 series.


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Hiroko's Memory Tips:

Look over the phrases for 5 minutes.
Say them to yourself without looking at the screen.
At lunchtime, say them to yourself again. Can you remember all three phrases?

Achilles' Heel

Pete: What happened to that business deal with Vietnam you told me about last year?

Roy: Well, their prices were too expensive, so we basically gave up. But now they offered us a discount, and the deal is back on track.

Explanation: To be back on track means that a train is on the right track, or your project had problems but is now on the right track. It means that things are returning to a good situation.

Prescription drug abuse

Patient: What kind of antibiotics should I take for this infection?

Doctor: I think that your condition is best treated with penicillin.

Explanation: When we are ready to prescribe a medicine or treatment to a patient, we can say in a calm voice that it is best treated with X. It is softer than saying the patient must take a drug.

This week's E-mail Phrase

haven't heard from you

Dear Janice:

I was hoping to get an answer from you about the safety inspection, but I haven't heard from you in a while. Can you give me a quick update?

Explanation: To say that you haven't heard from the other person in a while is a gentle way of saying that you want an answer from them, or that you are hoping for some response from them soon.

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