Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...

SampleVirgin Galactic Crash Space tourism suffered a setback when a test flight for Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic company broke apart in midair. The co-pilot died, while the pilot managed to parachute to the ground with some injuries. Branson has denied that an explosion happened, noting that there were no burns on the engine parts that were recovered in California's Mojave desert. Branson's mother is a former flight attendant.

This week's Natural Phrase

taboo subject

SampleMelanie: Did you hear that our branch manager Mr. Chen is divorcing his wife and marrying his secretary?

Edward: That's a taboo subject in this office. Let's change the topic.

Explanation: The phrase "taboo subject" means a subject that people avoid discussing, because it is embarrassing or might cause anger and disagreement. Common taboo subjects are marriage problems, sex, financial scandals, and religious choices.

This week's Medical Phrase


SamplePatient: Ever since I started my new job, I've had this dull pain in my shoulders.

Doctor: Your shoulder pain may be due to the fact that you are hunched over your computer screen for prolonged periods of time.

Explanation: The term "prolonged" means that a person is doing something for an extremely long period of time, or more time than is normal for the activity. Dermatologist often tell their patients to avoid prolonged exposure to the Sun.


This week's Email phrase


SampleDear Mrs. Sloan:

Our factory machine has broken down three times in the past month, but we still don't know the reason why. Can you talk with the engineering team and see if they can pinpoint the problem?

Explanation: The term "pinpoint the problem" means to find out the exact and specific cause.