Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


The Japanese government has approved the deployment of 12 U.S. variable-wing Osprey MV-22 aircraft to Futunma Air Base in Ginowan, Okinawa. Okinawa residents and political leaders have protested the deployment for years, saying that the aircraft are unsafe, and noise from the U.S. military aircraft around the clock makes normal life impossible. The government in Tokyo overruled citizens and approved the deployment scheduled for October 2012. Under a new agreement, the Osprey are not allowed to fly lower than 500feet (152 meters.) Osprey aircraft crashed twice in 2012, peaking citizens' fears.

This week's Natural Phrase

while you're at it…

SampleJoseph: Do you want me to go to the store and shop for food for the barbecue?

Susan: Sure, and while you're at it, could you stop by the post office and mail a couple of letters for me?

Joseph: Sure, it's on the way to the store. No problem.

Explanation: If you are doing something and another person wants you to do a similar task, they can say while you're at it, could you….

This week's Medical Phrase


SamplePatient: Lately I have this very bloated feeling.

Doctor: Have you been taking any new medicines, or eating new foods? Sometimes new drugs have such side-effects.

Explanation: bloated is a general word used to describe the feeling of having a very full stomach, or too much water and gas in the abdomen. It usually is a sign of some sort of trouble in the digestive tract.

This week's Email phrase

It's a done deal

SampleDear Karl:

You sent me an email yesterday asking to change the design of our upcoming magazine advertisement. I would like to hear your ideas, but I'm afraid that the magazine has already been printed. It's a done deal. We can talk about your new ideas next year.


A done deal is something that has already been agreed to, or completely finished. A done deal means that it's too late to make any big changes.