Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...

SampleFamous film stars from around the world have gathered in the South of France at the Cannes Film Festival. The Festival regularly attracts hundreds of celebrities and thousands of fans and photographers. Situated on the Cote d’ Azur, or “blue coast” Cannes is in a line of coastal resorts along with Nice, Monte Carlo, St. Tropez and other towns that are summer retreats for rich celebrities.

At Cannes this year Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan is going from being a national treasure in India to being a star to Francophone and Anglophone audiences. Robert Redford is promoting a film in which he plays a man trying to survive on a damaged sailboat. 

This week's Natural Phrase

We have something lined up

SampleTariq: The band that we reserved for the wedding cancelled. What are we going to do?

Toru: Don’t worry. Steve called some friends, and he has something lined up.

Explanation:  The phrase “something lined up” means that a solution has been prepared. It is like saying “we have someone waiting in line with a solution.”

This week's Medical Phrase

atypical hyperplasia

SampleStephanie:  Is the lump in my breast cancerous?

Doctor: We checked it with several technologies. It’s an atypical hyperplasia. But we still need to monitor it because it could become a cancerous tumor later.

Explanation:   The phrase “atypical hyperplasia” means a type of lump that is not normal, but not necessarily cancerous. People usually call it a “breast lump” until the doctor gives them specific information. 

This week's Email phrase

make a counteroffer

SampleDear Rich:

We don’t like the offer that the supplier gave to us, but  instead of giving up, I suggest we make a counteroffer.

Explanation: The phrase “make a counteroffer” is a common way of saying that you are making a new offer, because you are not happy with the first offer.