
Travel News wire…

Venice residents and merchants are fighting to prevent the centuries-old Rialto Fish Market from being taken over by a cruise ship dock. The dock would force some of the fish suppliers to move from the main islands of Venice to the mainland area. An organization called 40xVenezia is fighting for the rights of the local population.

Television star Jennifer Aniston plans to get married on the Greek island of Crete this summer. Crete is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Aniston was previously married to movie star Brad Pitt.


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Hiroko's Memory Tips:

Look over the phrases for 5 minutes.
Say them to yourself without looking at the screen.
At lunchtime, say them to yourself again. Can you remember all three phrases?

Achilles' Heel

Cory: We should invite more people to our dinner party. What about Stephanie and her four kids?

Bettina: The table can only fit ten people. You've already invited 20 people. Where are they going to sit? I think you went overboard with the invitations.

Explanation: When someone tries to do too much, we can say that they went overboard, like a person falling off a boat.

Prescription drug abuse

Patient: Is this disease fatal?

Doctor: Not necessarily. Patients with this type of disease have a low mortality rate for the first five years. I think we can cure it with the right medicine. Relax.

Explanation: A high mortality rate or low mortality rate means the percentage of people who die early from a medical problem.

This week's E-mail Phrase

baseline budget

Dear Desmond:

I know that you can't give us an exact budget for the laboratory improvements, but can you give me a baseline budget for the equipment? Then I can talk with the director. We need to write down a minimum figure.

Explanation: To make a baseline budget is to estimate the minimum or basic amount that something might cost. Baseline means the basic or minimum number.

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