Monday Morning English with Mai



English Group Lessons

Travel News wire...

SampleMyanmar Vote The recent election in Myanmar has resulted in opposition candidate Aung San Suu Kyi's National League of Democracy party winning a majority of the legislative seats.  Previous elections in the South East Asian country were dominated by parties backed by the military.

opposition party: 野党反対党

Health and Tech News

Centenarians in Japan reach 60,000  Due in part to high hospital standards , good diet and universal health coverage, Japan has a record number of citizens over the age of 100. There are now 60,000 Japanese born before 1915 who are still alive. Shimane Prefecture has the largest percentage of centenarians, with 90 per 100,000 population. In the year 1963 there were only 153 Japanese over the age of 100.

centenarian: person who has lived one century (100 years)

This week's Natural Phrase

foot of the mountain

SampleRoss:  Have you planned everything out for this weekend's mountain hike?

Cory:  Yes, we'll have a short picnic at the foot of the mountain and then start the hike to the top. It should take about three hours to reach the summit.

Explanation: The phrase "foot of the mountain" means the base, or bottom part of the mountain. The top of the mountain can be called "the peak" or "the summit."

foot of the mountain:  裾野

This week's Medical Phrase


SamplePatient: I'm thinking of going to the central city hospital when I'm ready to give birth. Do you think that they have good hospital services there?

Doctor Lopez:  That's a very busy hospital, and they might not allow you much time to recuperate. You might be able to stay more days at a local clinic.

Explanation: The phrase "time to recuperate" means that a patient needs time to become strong again after an illness or a surgery.

recuperate (verb): 養う

This week's Business/Email phrase

narrow margin

SampleHello Palmer: 

At the worldwide kitchen product exhibition, the judges of the contest voted for our refrigeration product by a vote of 26 to 24. That’s a very narrow margin, but we are glad that we won. We need to work hard so that we win again next year.

Explanation:  When we keep information "by a narrow margin" we mean that the number 'for' or 'against' was almost equal. We can use "narrow margin" when discussing a vote, an award, a political election, etc.

margin (noun): 僅差・際どいどころで勝つ