Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...

SampleAirport Screening for Ebola in London Heathrow Airport's Terminal One has instituted screening procedures to detect passengers who have the Ebola virus. Authorities are most concerned about passengers coming from Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. Airports in the U.S. such as Wasington D.C, Atlanta, Chicago, Newark and New York are also screening passengers. Health officials are using hand-held temperature scanners to detect passengers who have fever-level body temperatures.

This week's Natural Phrase

role model

SampleClaire: My young son wants to become a doctor, but he doesn't have any friends who know anything about medicine, or anyone who can give him some advice on what to specialize in.

Hudson: I can introduce him to my uncle, who is a hospital director. Perhaps he can act as a role model for your son.

Explanation: The phrase "role model" is an older person who can show a younger person how to behave and how to learn a skill.

This week's Medical Phrase


SampleToru: I'm going to Russia next week. Do I need to get a malaria vaccination?

Doctor Uehara: Malaria is endemic to tropical and subtropical regions of the World. It's not endemic to cold climates such as Russia. You won't need a malaria vaccination, but you should take measures against tuberculosis.

Explanation: The term "endemic" means a biological or medical condition that is located in a specific area.


This week's Email phrase

plan accordingly

SampleDear Mr. Hamid:

Our local agent has told us that the weather in Wellington will be rainy and cold during the conference, so please plan accordingly. I'll be taking my umbrella along with a waterproof jacket and some boots.

Explanation: The phrase "plan accordingly" means to make plans in consideration of the information that was given to you.