Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


Virgin Galactic and other private space tourism operators plan to start sub-orbital tourist flights from the years 2013 and 2014. Travellers will need to expect to pay several hundreds of thousands of dollars for a two-hour journey that includes only a few minutes of actual sub-orbital flight.


This week's Natural Phrase

come in handy

SampleDaniel: Did you bring any cooking materials for the camping trip?

Susan: Yes, I brought some small pots, and also some folding forks and knives. They might come in handy.

Explanation: To come in handy means that something might be very useful in the future, so it's a good idea to bring it. We can use "come in handy" to talk about some small item that we have, or some bit of information that we remember.

This week's Medical Phrase

stop it from spreading

SamplePatient: I have such a bad flu, but I still have to go to work every day. My boss told me not to miss any days.

Doctor: It's best for everyone if you stay home until your flu goes away. That way we can stop it from spreading.

Explanation: To stop something from spreading means to take steps to keep the patient away from other people, or to give medication that prevents an illness from moving to other parts of the body.

This week's Email phrase

top drawer company

SampleDear Harry:

I'm glad to hear that you want to sign a contract with us. We have heard from some people that your office is a real top drawer company.

Explanation: When we say that a business is a top drawer company, it means that they have the highest quality and highest reputation. The idea is that the best things are kept in the top drawer of a cabinet, so a top drawer company is the best of the companies in that field.