Monday Morning English with Mai



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Monday Morning English is celebrating its one-year anniversary. This is issue 52. Our readers have been able to learn and practice more than 150 phrases for medical, email and everyday use. They have shared airport updates, world news and special travel tips.
Please help us celebrate by giving us suggestions for the second year of publication. Here are some questions you can respond to:
What would you change about Monday Morning English? What is your favorite phrase from Monday Morning English? How often do you practice the phrases that you found on our web service?
Please let us know if you want to expand your English through Skype lessons or telephone study. We are here to help you move forward with your professional English!

This week's Natural Phrase

sooner or later

SampleJennifer: I called my boyfriend five hours ago but he still hasn't returned my call. I don't know why.

Alicia: Don't worry about it. Sooner or later he'll call back.

Explanation: Sooner or later is a phrase we use to say that something will happen, but we don't know when. We can use the phrase to tell friends that they should be a bit more patient.

This week's Medical Phrase

progressive disease

SamplePatient: Do you think my disease will get better by next year?

Doctor: You have to know that this is a progressive disease. It will likely get worse with time.

Explanation: A progressive disease is one that gets worse or expands as time goes on.

This week's Email phrase

Core time

SampleDear Scott:

We need to have a meeting with the entire research team. Let's schedule it during core time from 10:00 to 4:00.

Explanation: Core time is the time of the workday when all of the staff should be in the office. It differs from office to office, but usually it is from 10:00am to around 3:00 or 4:00. Compare with flextime.