Monday Morning English with Mai



Travel News wire...


Brazil is getting ready for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the first Olympic Games to be held in South America. Brazil has earmarked huge amounts of money for the upgrading of public transport. Organizers also have major challenges in expanding Rio's airport capacity and the airport-to-city links. Brazil's infrastructure levels rank 104 out of 142 countries in a World Economic Forum survey, but in recent years the country has started upgrading and expanding its roads, ports, and public transportation systems.

This week's Natural Phrase

a tough act to follow

SampleNatalie: Did you know that Roy is going to take over his father's business?

Edward: Wow, how is he going to handle that? His father was a super business man. He's going to be a tough act to follow.

Explanation: A tough act to follow means that the first performance on stage will be so good that it is a challenge for the second performer to gain the applause of the crowd. It is similar to saying that it is difficult to fill someone else's shoes.

This week's Medical Phrase

resistant strain

SamplePatient: Why isn't this ear infection going away?

Doctor Frasier: It seems that the infection you have is a very resistant strain. It will take stronger medicines to kill it.

Explanation: A resistant strain is a mutation of an infection or disease that is stronger and harder to cure.

This week's Email phrase

Earmarked for...

SampleDear Mr. Collins:

During the meeting this morning, we earmarked some funds for your music project. You can go ahead with it, with a maximum budget of five million dollars.

Explanation: earmarked means that a certain amount has the name of a project on it, in the same way that farmers can put a mark on the ear of a farm animal to identify them.